
Morgan Place is a residential care home licensed under the authority of Fraser Health offering both Long Term Care as well as Convalescent Care. A skilled interdisciplinary team applies principles of the Eden Alternative, Gentle Care, Person-centered Care as well as our Core Values. We encourage your input and participation to develop your unique Care Plan. The Plan will address your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs and the actions to be taken to accomplish the goals that are set. Your well-being is our goal as we strive to find the right balance for your independence, comfort and safety. Whatever your needs may be we respect your privacy, dignity and rights.

Long Term Care Program

When it is no longer safe for you to live in the community, long term care at Morgan Place is an appropriate option. Your physical and medical needs will be met on a 24/7 basis by professional nurses and a team of health care workers. You may remain under the care of your own family physician if he/she has a practice in the area, or alternatively, under the care of our Medical Coordinator. Our Medical Coordinator also participates in Resident Care Conferences, Medication Reviews, Medical Standards Reviews, Best Practice and Resident Consultations. Whilst most of the places are funded by Fraser Health we have a number of private pay places. Admission to funded places are coordinated through Fraser Health and for private pay it is arranged directly with the facility.

Convalescent Care Program

Following an acute event if you need more time for functional restoration and recovery, convalescent care at Morgan Place is appropriate to assist your transition from acute to home. In addition to meeting your clinical needs, our rehabilitation program is designed to optimize your level of functional independence so that you will be able to return home. Your care team includes a physician, nurses, healthcare workers, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, rehabilitation aides, dietitian and social worker.

Strength Building Program

This is a popular fitness program available to all residents in Long Term Care to strengthen your body with regular physical exercises. The aim of the program is to improve overall function and well-being. A Physiotherapist assesses and develops individualized programs which are then implemented by the Rehabilitation Aides. The specific programs include strength training, range of motion exercises, endurance work, balance and mobility exercises.

These programs take place in our Gym which is fitted with a range of exercise equipment.

Spiritual Care Program

Our spiritual care program is based on non-denominational Christianity to meet spiritual needs of our residents and to provide support to families upon request. Services are held every Sunday and the bible study group meets weekly. Upon request, one to one meetings are arranged.

Recreation Programs

There’s a wide variety of recreational opportunities for you to take part in. All programs are led by friendly, qualified staff, who encourage residents to participate. As you know, social and cultural experiences stimulate the mind, encourage companionship and build friendship within the community. All recreation programs at Morgan Place help restore, maintain and/or improve your physical, emotional, social and psychological well-being. Participation is entirely up to you.

Weekly Regular Activities Include

  • Pub Night with live music entertainment
  • Bingo – the competition is friendly and there are prizes to be won
  • Sing-a-long with a guitarist in small groups
  • Music therapy offered to our memory care residents by a professionally trained specialist
  • Outings on our 14 seater wheelchair accessible bus
  • Games and trivia
  • Tai Chi
  • Visiting Pets
  • Hand Chimes

Other Activities Include

  • Themed or special events and celebrations
  • Birthday recognitions and celebrations
  • Movie shows